
Down to 18

The plan worked out pretty well Sunday and I hung out with CC, got some sun and was ready to play the $340 Event #6. It a was pretty uneventful start and by the first break I was down to 3400 in chips and got at as low as 2700 and didn't sweat it at all. Had some bad luck but managed to stay afloat and pick some spots. With about 50+ players I was stuck around the 34k chip mark and then started to assert myself more and chipped up fairly well. We played with 32 ppl for what seemed like forever and when we made it to 27 ppl and redrew seats, it was very little doubt I was gonna cash at that point. Never really got any action on any big pairs I had the whole night. I only called one river bet and lost (the first level) and I was only all in for my tourney life once as well (4th level). We played to the money and I'm sitting on 75k in chips. I'm ready to play and we'll just have to see what happens from here.
Till Next Time.
Keep It Real Homies.

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